twos question about WS SDK/API

Hi Team,

I am asked the following questions. Can anyone please help answer them?


is there any API in SDK folder can be used to return the project number of the newest active project?

is there any API/Method provided in SDK package can used to return the "Project(s) Based on This Quote" with the given "Quote#"(rfqid)?


Thanks in advance!



  • For the project question the only way i can see that you could do this is by using

    com.idiominc.webservices.client.workflow.WSWorkflowManager.getProjectsForStatus(WorkflowWSProjectStatus[] statuses)
    in the client SDK or
    com.idiominc.wssdk.workflow.WSWorkflowManager.getProjectsForStatus(WorkflowWSProjectStatus[] statuses)
    in the server SDK

    You may want to filter the statuses you get back though as completed and canceled task would show up as well

    You'd then sort the project ID's you got back descending and you'd have the ID of the latest project

    For the project based on a quote, i'd suggest ensuring that the quote id always get set as an attribute in the project it was created from and then search on that attribute, however i am have a hard time finding a call to get all results where an attribute equals a certain value but i refuse to believe that doing that is impossible.

    Maybe someone smarter than me can help you on that one
  • For the project question the only way i can see that you could do this is by using

    com.idiominc.webservices.client.workflow.WSWorkflowManager.getProjectsForStatus(WorkflowWSProjectStatus[] statuses)
    in the client SDK or
    com.idiominc.wssdk.workflow.WSWorkflowManager.getProjectsForStatus(WorkflowWSProjectStatus[] statuses)
    in the server SDK

    You may want to filter the statuses you get back though as completed and canceled task would show up as well

    You'd then sort the project ID's you got back descending and you'd have the ID of the latest project

    For the project based on a quote, i'd suggest ensuring that the quote id always get set as an attribute in the project it was created from and then search on that attribute, however i am have a hard time finding a call to get all results where an attribute equals a certain value but i refuse to believe that doing that is impossible.

    Maybe someone smarter than me can help you on that one
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