Why translation memory provider didn't support highlight function?



Howerver, Our plugin which implements translation provider function can't display the difference, the result is:

API上说是要计算返回的SearchResult 对象的

My implementation function is:

private EditDistance getEditDistance(CultureInfo cultureInfo, String text, String source)
TokenizerSetup setup = new TokenizerSetup();
setup.Culture = cultureInfo;
TokenizerParameters parameters = new TokenizerParameters(setup, null);
Tokenizer tokenizer = new Tokenizer(parameters);
List<Token> textTokenList = tokenizer.Tokenize(text);
List<Token> sourceTokenList = tokenizer.Tokenize(source);
EditDistanceComputer<Token> editDistanceComputer = new EditDistanceComputer<Token>(null);
return editDistanceComputer.ComputeEditDistance(sourceTokenList, textTokenList);
Executed, but still no effect
I noticed that the call service implementation sentence match interface has a SearchSettings object, there is a read-only property IsConcordanceSearch, the value is always false, can not show whether the difference is related to this value, if there is any way to make it true What?