Merging new files type via API


I added new file type to Project Template - AkomoNtoso XML which is recognized by "Any of the following root elements: akomoNtoso" and by "File dialog wildcard expression: *.xmlAco". Generally speaking the source files have xmlAco extension and are xml akomoNtoso files.

When I create the project manually by STUDIO, adding the files and then merging them everything works fine, but when I am trying to do the same via API I get "One or more files not supported." Exception from GetConverterToDefaultBilingual method. Is it another API bug or we just do not know how to use the API in a such complex operation? 

Please find below the piece of code responsible for merging files.

One thing: before I merge, I load Project Template and I scan all documents. I noticed similar behaviour in Studio then adding files.


Code found here ->

and here->

My code below:

private ProjectFile[] MergeFiles(FileBasedProject StudioProject, Guid[] fileIds, string masterFileName)


           if (StudioProject == null)


                GlobalSettings.Log.WriteDetailsToLog("FileBaseProject variable is null", "", CategoryType.NotDefined, DetailsType.Less);

                return null;


            if (fileIds==null || fileIds.Length == 0)


                GlobalSettings.Log.WriteDetailsToLog("fileIds is null", "", CategoryType.NotDefined, DetailsType.Less);

                return null;


            var pi = StudioProject.GetProjectInfo(); 

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(masterFileName))


                masterFileName = "master.sdlxliff";


            StudioProject.SetFileRole(fileIds, FileRole.Translatable);         

            string pathInProject = string.Empty;

            var mergedFile = StudioProject.CreateMergedProjectFile(masterFileName, pathInProject, fileIds); 


            //get the default file type manager which is needed to generate the bilingual files 

            var fileTypeManager = DefaultFileTypeManager.CreateInstance(true);

            fileTypeManager.SettingsBundle = StudioProject.GetSettings();


            //get the local file paths for the files that we want to merge

            var filePaths = new string[mergedFile.ChildFiles.Length];

            for (var i = 0; i < mergedFile.ChildFiles.Length; i++)


                filePaths[i] = mergedFile.ChildFiles[i].LocalFilePath;



            //get the default file converter to bilingual files

            var converter = fileTypeManager.GetConverterToDefaultBilingual(filePaths, mergedFile.LocalFilePath, pi.SourceLanguage.CultureInfo, null,

                                (source, e) => GlobalSettings.Log.WriteDetailsToLog("Error creating merge file:" + e.Level.ToString() + e.Message,





            //generate the bilingual file



            //update the merge strucutre and the project

            StudioProject.AddNewFileVersion(mergedFile.Id, mergedFile.LocalFilePath); 


             if (File.Exists(mergedFile.LocalFilePath))


                 ReplaceSourceLangueXML(mergedFile.LocalFilePath, pi.SourceLanguage.CultureInfo);




                 GlobalSettings.Log.WriteDetailsToLog("Merge file not generated!!!" + mergedFile.LocalFilePath, DetailsType.Less);



            return StudioProject.GetSourceLanguageFiles();


Thank you for your help!