Exception occurs Trados 2019SR2 plugin on 2019SR1

I built our plugin on Trados2019SR2 environment. And I verified all feature works fine on 2019SR2.

But this plugin which is built on 2019SR2 doesn't work on SR1. I always got error at RunAutomaticTask.

AutomaticTask preTranslate = project.RunAutomaticTask(files, AutomaticTaskTemplateIds.PreTranslateFiles)

Here is the exception.

System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: projectFileIds
at Sdl.ProjectAutomation.FileBased.FileBasedProject.RunAutomaticTask(Guid[] projectFileIds, String taskTemplateId)

Does't  the plugin which is  build on 2019SR2 support 2019SR1?

Best regards,
