SDL Studio API (2019, 2021): machine translation credentials / URIs

Dear Community, Dear SDL devs,

is it possible to compile a list of URIs needed in the API, if we register machine translation providers manually?

Our use case is to read out a *.sdltpl project template, which has a machine translation provider within a specific language. In the template file XML one can see that there is a URI to the MT engine, e.g. DeepL: deepltranslationprovider:///. But for adding credentials through the API one needs this URL: deeplprovider:///.They are not the same! We therefore need to know the credential-type URIs for the other supported machine translation engines, e.g. amazon, SDL language cloud, beglobal etc.

The online documentation unfortunately is outdated and covers just googleMT and BeGlobal @

We started a table for ourselves and found some of these by luck when browsing the gitlab example code. Please consider updating the table according to your knowledge:

Google Translate googlemt:/// OK
DeepL deeplprovider:/// OK
MT enhanced Google Translate mtenhancedprovidergt:/// OK
MT enhanced MS Azure  mtenhancedprovidermst:/// ??
SDL Language Cloud - Maschinelle Übersetzung von SDL bmslanguagecloud. ??
SDL Language cloud - mit übersetzungsengines  languagecloud.translation.603e05ce99e2d3484063e828/ ??
Amazon  amazontranslateprovider:/// ??
SDL Machine Translation Cloud ??
SDL Machine Translation Edge ??
Worldserver ??