Idea Delivered

Search for an entire publication in Publication Manager

Yes, one can search for a publication in the web interface but this provides a poor user experience. According to " engine is limited to searching for XML and image objects. If the user instead searches by the publication's title (either by preference or if the GUID is not handy) in Browse Repository, the results returned will include various objects containing any of the included words, but not the publication itself." So the search is working by design, however I'd like to change this to a more user friendly design.


There are cases where a user may need to go to three different applications just to find and update a publication.

1. Go to XMetaL to find the GUID (most likely already there working on their content)

2. Open the web interface and search. "Edit" the publication which...

3. Opens publication manager and then the publication. 

This seems like a lot of wasted effort and time. If we could simply go into publication manager and search for a publication there, our content creation process would speed up.