Idea Delivered

In Experience Space we do provide the browse button which will show the selected item in the item selector. In addition we added the possibility to open this item in a new tab so you can check before adding if this is the item you were looking for.

RTF Hyperlink to a Component: Open Button

While setting up a hyperlink to a component inside of a RTF, the "open" button is grayed out if the hyperlink "Type" is "Component". The button works if a normal url is used instead of a component. Users would like to be able to view the component they have linked to without the need to search for it by TCMID.

  • The preference is to open the Component in Form view so the user can see the details of the component they are linking to.  The Open button opens the last location that they browsed to, which isn't necessarily the location that contains the component already associated in the hyperlink.  It adds extra clicks for a content producer, as does copying and pasting a TCM URI.  

    This functionality currently works differently than other Component Links in the system.

    Not trying to be difficult... just looking for some efficiency and consistency for our producers.  ;)

  • Is the preference to open the Component in Form view or to "go" to its location in the Content Manager Explorer? And his would be the item in the context of the linking Component's Publication, right?

    For URL links, the open button will open the location in a new browser tab. Would the editor want to open the content on its rendered page.

    For now, I think the quickest work-arounds are either searching for that tcm URI as Jonathan mentioned or using the browse button and opening the item from the item select dialogue.

  • This is related to the following question on the Tridion Stack Exchange site: