Under Community Review

Make EPS-pictures within the publication manager preview viewable

In our user manuals with more than 400 pages we use only eps pictures. Therefore it is very unfortunate that our authors are not able to see the topics with all their eps pictures included. Please check if this implementation within the publication manager would be possible, because it will be an major advantage for all authors.

The pubication manager is used to shown the high version of the illustration. Maybe it is possible to programm the PubMan to use the low Version of the eps file instead. 

  • Thank you. Sometimes you dont see the easiest solution although it is directly in front of your face. But in the past we decided to switch this selection to high, because if low was selected the pm published the low version of the eps pictures into the pdf. The low version of eps are tiff pictures. Therefore an dramatical quality drop was the result. Nevertheless I tested it today, and it seems that the system is now correctly programmed and the pdf uses the high eps picture version as it should be.

  • Publication manager -> Tools -> Options

    Doe this help?