
Hello. I have been having problems with words hyphenating correctly when they start with a capital letter and end with an apostrophe “s”. We have a custom dictionary that we created due to the fact that the government uses so many acronyms that needed to be added to the main dictionary to keep them from breaking. We also use Algorithm as normal in a fourth chained H&J table. I thought I understood the job ticket. I have it set as Dictionary Library: std-dict. For the language we have Algorithm: english; Main Dict: english; and Cust Dict: GPO2014.

When we have words such as Children’s or Encyclopedia’s, the breaks seem to be one letter off from where they should be. If the words aren't capitalized, they break correctly. Encyclopedia’s, which should be breaking as En/cy/clo/pe/dia’s is breaking as: E/nc/ycl/op/edia’s. The only way I can fix this is to actually add the word Encyclopedia’s (with a cap and an apostrophe) into the GPO2014 dictionary OR... don’t use the custom dictionary at all and just have Algorithm: english; Main Dict: english in the job ticket.

My question is this: in what order do the words break by the job ticket. I thought it would look first in my custom dictionary, then the main, then the algorithm. But I can’t be adding every possible combination of words that start with a cap letter and end with an apostrophe s to my custom dictionary.

I read the documentation, but I can’t figure out what I’m doing wrong. Not sure what files you need to see (I can send attachments), but can someone help with this?

Thank you.