Size of objects in bytes (from a client)?

Is there a way to see the size, in bytes, of an object in with publication manager or the web client?

  • Starting from Tridion Docs 13 (13.0.0) you can personalize your Publication Manager list views. There you can add the file size as column.

    The file size is available in the repository, so can be retrieved over the API using some custom code. If it is only about a limited set of PublicationOutputs, Topics or Maps; you could decide to download the files over ISHRemote and check the actual resulting file size.

    # Downloading multiple, all CHM files across versions of the same publication
    $metadataFilter = Set-IshMetadataFilterField -Name FISHOUTPUTFORMATREF -Level Lng -FilterOperator Equal -Value CHM
    Get-IshPublicationOutput -LogicalId "GUID-45A7C3D9-6DC8-4EAC-8560-ECF6411A1E20" -MetadataFilter $metadataFilter |
    Get-IshPublicationOutputData -FolderPath "C:\TEMP\Demo\"

  • Thank you. I keep forgetting to mention that we are using Knowledge Center. So, it sounds like if the software were upgraded users would be able to see sizes in the SDL clients.

    I know how to write a program that uses WCF to get that information. But this question is about publication manager and the web client.

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