How do I find out the status of the latest version of an object using ISHRemote?


I'm trying to use ISHRemote to find out the latest version of an object in en-us language, as well as the status of that version in en-us. I can get hold of the object like this:

$thisObject = Get-IshDocumentObj -IshSession $ishSession -LogicalId $objectID

And then I can do this to get all the version numbers of all languages:

$objectVersion = Get-IshMetadataField -IshSession $ishSession -IshObject $thisObject -ValueType Value -Level Version -Name VERSION

And in a similar way, I can get all statuses of all languages. But how do I combine these queries to get the information I need? Is Get-IshMetadataField  even the correct cmdlet, or should I be using something else?
