Publishing content having svg file reference giving output as ISHPUBLILLUSTRATIONMISSING-high.png/ISHPUBLILLUSTRATIONMISSING-low.png


I am adding some svg files to tridion docs, these are getting stored under other type of folder, those svg files are referenced under topics like 

<image href="GUID-355080D9-B6A9-4492-8A12-832F64F28571" id="IMAGE_LLB" align="center" />  where this id "GUID-355080D9-B6A9-4492-8A12-832F64F28571" is refering to svg file (i.e. test.svg).

when publishing the content on diffrent output format i.e. pdf, html, svg is getting changed file ISHPUBLILLUSTRATIONMISSING-high.png/ISHPUBLILLUSTRATIONMISSING-low.png.

Could some one please advise/suggest how do i get correct svg(image) file on html output or pdf output.



  • Hi Neetesh,

    You should store graphical content in a folder of the type 'Image' (internal ISHType = 'ISHILLUSTRATION') in order to have it working correctly.

    The image handling in SDL Tridion Docs utilizes resolutions (concept to have different renditions of the same graphic for different output channels) and the objects you store in folder allowing the 'Other' type objects have the resolution property not available.

    Hence our publishing pipeline can not correctly identify the resolution to be exported and hence you get the ISHPUBLILLUSTRATIONMISSING object returned;

    So please use the correct folder type for the images to be stored.

    Kind Regards,


  • Hi Neetesh,

    You should store graphical content in a folder of the type 'Image' (internal ISHType = 'ISHILLUSTRATION') in order to have it working correctly.

    The image handling in SDL Tridion Docs utilizes resolutions (concept to have different renditions of the same graphic for different output channels) and the objects you store in folder allowing the 'Other' type objects have the resolution property not available.

    Hence our publishing pipeline can not correctly identify the resolution to be exported and hence you get the ISHPUBLILLUSTRATIONMISSING object returned;

    So please use the correct folder type for the images to be stored.

    Kind Regards,


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