changing the Groupshare 2017 ip adress

We tried to change the Groupeshare 2017 server IP address and when doing the change and restarting the site was not accessible.Is there a configuration that must be made in GroupeShare 2017 console or in RabbitMQ or somewhere else? Is there an IP adress specific to Groupshare? For exemple, we changed the local IP, all services were working on the groupshare console, but we were not able to access the Groupshare with the server address. 

  • Hi Valérie,

    Changing the IP address of any server a task that should be very carefully planned. Are you using DNS? If so did you change the entry for the server's IP there after you changed the IP address? Or are you maybe using a hosts file? If so then each client's hosts file would have to be amended.

    This is assuming that you are using hostnames to connect from the clients to the server (which most people do). The clients need to have some way of knowing that the IP has changed and that the hostname they now connect to needs to resolve to the new IP address.

    Regarding the configuration of GroupShare itself, assuming the external server address is correct in the GroupShare Console under Settings -> Project Server Settings and Execution Server Settings then everything should be okay. You should check the IIS bindings too though.

    Hope this helps.

    Kind regards,

  • Hi Valérie,

    Changing the IP address of any server a task that should be very carefully planned. Are you using DNS? If so did you change the entry for the server's IP there after you changed the IP address? Or are you maybe using a hosts file? If so then each client's hosts file would have to be amended.

    This is assuming that you are using hostnames to connect from the clients to the server (which most people do). The clients need to have some way of knowing that the IP has changed and that the hostname they now connect to needs to resolve to the new IP address.

    Regarding the configuration of GroupShare itself, assuming the external server address is correct in the GroupShare Console under Settings -> Project Server Settings and Execution Server Settings then everything should be okay. You should check the IIS bindings too though.

    Hope this helps.

    Kind regards,
