Term recognition extremely slow in certain segments only (Studio 2017, Multiterm on Groupshare 2015)

Hi all,

I know there are several known issues with Multiterm and term recognition, but I haven't yet seen this:

The 12,000 entries termbase is on Groushare 2015.

When accessing the termbase from Studio 2019 SR2 or Studio 2015, everything is fine.

When using previous versions auf Studio 2019 or Studio 2017 (SR1 14.1.10018.54792),  it happens that in some segments term recognition shows results only after 10-20 minutes. If you don't wait and move to other segments, term recognition still runs; some process is going on as the RAM of the machine keeps going up (2-3 GB, without doing moving the cursor), even if you close the file in Studio and do notwhing. It seems the first stuck process keeps going on and on, unless you restart Studio. Then the RAM goes down again, and term recognition works fine until you get to the segment were it first stuck.

Whatever the reason there might be, what is strange is that with some Studio versions there aren't any problems, and that I have experienced this issue only during the last few weeks.


Bruno Ciola