"Generating preview" + "synchronising" messages when changing to the next segment

Dear all,

A customer of mine changed to GroupShare a few weeks ago. Translating the first few projects (including idml, html and pptx files) was rather frustrating from a productivity point of view – I am using SDL Trados Studio 2019 SR 2 – on a brand new computer (i7 processor), the software runs on a SSD where also the project files I am currently working on are stored:

When changing to the next segment with CTRL+ENTER, I have to wait up to 20 seconds due to "generating preview" and/or "synchronising" messages appearing in the lower left-hand row of Studio. It takes even longer when the option "Start concordance when no match is found" is activated, therefore, I deactived this rather useful option for the time being. According to the customer, none of the other translators mentioned this problem, so I am wondering whether this is a problem with my installation? When using Studio on local projects, the "generating preview" message never appears.

I already looked at the other questions concerning "generating preview" in the forum: preview is not activated in my SDL settings and yesterday, I assigned a keyboard shortcut which I won't hit inadvertently (CTRL+ALT+W) to the preview function (originally, no shortcut was assigned to this function). SDL is also whitelisted in Kaspersky.

Furthermore, when I save the file using the keyboard shortcut "CTRL+S", the message "File is being uploaded" appears and this can take up to 2 minutes (for 14 MB pptx file today). Do I need a different shortcut for storing the file/project locally?

Any good ideas what I can do or test to speed up things?

Thank you,


  • HI Martina, for the first problem I do not have an "offical answer". This is what I suspect: the "generating preview" it happens when you confirm the segment and open the next segments. If beteween the two operation the program is doing some other stuff (autopropagate, verify segment or some other operation started by some plugins for instance) the opening of the next segment is delayed and you get this "generating preview" message (it should be "Working progress" or something else, the message is not appropriate). If you have many autopropagations it will take a while before Studio opens the next segment (you can try that; sometimes you get a proper message, that the program is autopropagating). You get also this message if your file is large and Studio is autosaving the file.

    For the second issue, this is by default: Whenever you save a file locally Studio creates a copy on the server ("Uploading" message). I find this a very good idea, because you will always have on the server a saved copy of your file even if you do not check in the file. This can be of you use if one user is maybe ill and has not checked-in the file before closing his computer. For another user to continue the work you would need access to the first user's computer. Having the file automatically uploaded on the server you can force check out the first user. The server defines automatically the last uploaded file as the most recent version and the second user can work on it without losing the work of the first. If you do not force check out the first user, on the server you will see the precedent version of the file (the one the first user checked out).

    I hope I could give you some answers to your issues.

    Kind regads,


  • Hi Angelo,

    thank you for your answer and for taking the time to consider my issues.

    As far as the first issue is concerned: I don’t use any Add-ons – just those contained in Studio in standard configuration. And at least in the pptx file I translated just before posting, autopropagation could not slow down the process since there were no reps or matches at all … I saw the autopropagation message in another GroupShare project for this customer, but this was popping up in the middle of the screen, not in the left-hand bottom row.
    What I am most wondering about is that this was never a problem with similar files for this customer before he changed to GroupShare. When working locally, there were no delays whatsoever when changing to the next segment, even with the concordance search option activated … Maybe somebody from SDL has an explanation?

    Thank you for explaining the second issue – indeed, this is a useful safety feature for the customer and I can understand the reason behind it.

    Kind regards,


  • Hi Martina, I suppose your worked locally only with your TM saved locally (with a Project TM from the package sent you by your client). Now you are working with server based TMs. Depending on your network connection (speed) Studio would take a little more time between confirming and opening a new segment. When you confirm, the TU is saved in the remote TM on the server of your customer and then Studio looks in the same TM (remote). Depending on your authorizations, maybe the TU is not saved, but Studio will definetly search the remote TM for a match. As I was stating in my previous post, the message is misleading because it is not trying to generate a preview. It should say "Working progress" or something similar.

    Kind regards,


  • Hi Angelo,

    yes, I worked locally with a local TM before the customer switched to GroupShare. So, in your opinion/experience, it all breaks down to Internet speed ... Well, I switched anyway and the new, more powerful contract should start at the end of next week. I would be happy if this solves the issue(s) and will be back with more info whether this is the case. If not, my other option is to log a case with SDL support.

    Have a nice weekend,


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