Problem parsing bilingual XML file

I am trying to parse a bilingual XML resource file, en > ja. The Passolo help suggests that it is possible:

However, I cannot seem to to separate the source from the target in the target string list, and get the target strings in both English and Japanese columns in the string list.

This is a sample of what I have:

<description id="charsetName" description="Character set">
<translation langid="ja" description="文字セット" />
<description id="charsetDesc" description="Defines the character set of the environment.">
<translation langid="ja" description="環境の文字セットを定義します。" />
<description id="asciiName" description="ASCII">
<translation langid="ja" description="ASCII" />
<description id="ebcdicName" description="EBCDIC">
<translation langid="ja" description="EBCDIC" />

Can anyone help me with the XML parser please?
