Several questions about generated JSON files

Hello community,

I've created a new PASSOLO project (using PASSOLO 2018 Team Edition from existing source and tranlations based on JSON files.
I used the English language as source language and build up 11 target languages with the existing target files (Scan Target File (Alignment)) to set the languages all to translated. This works fine except a view details[1]:

  • Czech language
    on some strings there are blanks added or removed at the end of a line / string
    Original file New generated file Comment
        "Execution aborted by": "Úkol byl ukončen skrze",     "Execution aborted by": "Úkol byl ukončen skrze ", Blank added
        "Allowed only  ": "Povoleno pouze",     "Allowed only  ": "Povoleno pouze  ", 2 blanks added
        "Reset to Factory": "Základní nastavení ",     "Reset to Factory": "Základní nastavení", Blank removed
  • German language
    Same behaviour as in Czech language
  • Spanish language
    Original file New generated file Comment
        "color_of LED_?": "¿Color\ndel LED\n?",     "color_of LED_?": "\n¿Color\ndel LED\n?", Added several "\n"
        "tool switch": "Interruptor\narranque ",     "tool switch": "Interruptor\narranque", Removed blank at the end of the string
        "Execution aborted by": "Encargo finalizado a través de",     "Execution aborted by": "Encargo finalizado a través de ", Added blank at the end of the string
  • French language
    same as Spanish language
  • Hungarian language
    same as Czech language
  • Italian language
    Original file New generated file Comment
        "Visible_pixel errors_in basic_color_?": "\nErrori pixel\nvisibili in colore di fondo?",     "Visible_pixel errors_in basic_color_?": "Errori pixel\nvisibili in colore di fondo?", Removed "\n" within the string
        "Allowed only  ": "Consentito solo",     "Allowed only  ": "Consentito solo  ", Added 2 blanks at the end of the string
        "nr_files": "Numero file",     "nr_files": "Numero file ", Added 1 blank at the end of the string

Another question: How could I add "\n" at the end of a string in PASSOLO project? I tried this in the grid and in the property page, but this was removed.

[1] I compared the given target file with the new generated target file using Beyond Compare 4 (x64), and verified the differences in MS Visual Studio 2015

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