How to configure the Microsoft .NET Parser to ignore external xml in resx-files?

Hello folks,

I'm working with the .NET-Parser in Passolo to localize a few resx-files. My problem are some values which are not valid strings.


<data name="cardviewGridEx.BuiltInTextsData" xml:space="preserve">
    <value>&lt;LocalizableData ID="LocalizableStrings" Collection="true"&gt;&lt;GroupByBoxInfo&gt;A STRING I WANT TO TRANSLATE&lt;/GroupByBoxInfo&gt;&lt;EmptyGridInfo&gt;A STRING I WANT TO TRANSLATE&lt;/EmptyGridInfo&gt;&lt;/LocalizableData&gt;</value>

Is there any way to ignore the content of the square brackets? So Passolo only shows me the strings inside?

Thanks for any info!