Q: PslSourceString.ChangeID(x)

Hello community, 

due to necessary renumbering of my MFC resource IDs I try to correct the IDs with "PslSourceString.ChangeID"

I'm wondering which number I have to give. Or doesn't that matter? 

The IDs after update it with PASSOLO: 

Screenshot of Trados Studio showing a table with columns for Number, ID, State, and Text. Rows display numbers 16532, 16533, 16534 with corresponding new IDs 7538, 7540, 7539 and state as 'new'.

The IDs after using the macro: 

Screenshot of Trados Studio with an error message 'POPUP OPERATIONS' next to ID 7538. Table columns are Number, ID, State, and Text with rows showing numbers 16532, 16533, 16534 and state as 'new'.

Generated Image Alt-Text
[edited by: Trados AI at 10:33 AM (GMT 0) on 4 Mar 2024]