Under Community Review

Specific XFDF file type filter for comments in pdf

Just a minor suggestion (not extremely required but still useful). Sometimes clients ask me to translate comments, which are added in text boxes over the text in pdf files (not the text itself). When you deal with pdf files generated from complicated AutoCAD drawings, for example, with million small details and random comments scattered through the drawing, it is very easy to miss some comments. For this purpose, in pdf, you can export all comments to an *.xfdf file and then translate them as a separate file. Once done, you need just to launch the xfdf file as saved in the same folder. This causes the main pdf file open with comments already translated. However this trick works only when you have a specific fyle type filter for such xfdf files. One of our SDL authorized reseller's reps (in Russia) kindly created such filter for us. It works great for me in 95% cases. On very rare occasions (5%) it gives out just a set of irrelevant letters and digits, but in most cases it works pretty well for me. I think it would be nice to somehow enhance (=remove those 5%) and have this xfdf file type from SDL officially.