Tridionc Docs 13 Content Manager: set filesize limit


Is there a way to set the filesize limit on the files when they get imported into the Content Manager CMS?  For example, we would like to limit graphic files (.png, .gif, .jpg, etc) to less than 50MB in size.  Is there a configuration setting that can be set to check the filesize and notify the user if the graphic file is larger than 50MB?

thank you


  • Hi Paul,

    If you really want to enforce this, then an IWriteMetadataAndBlob plugin implementation will streamline it across all entry points (like Web Client Properties, Draft Space, Review Space, API (either WCF even ASMX), Client Tools, etc). The plugin would also allow you to do other quality checks on resolution or file types if desired.

    If you are looking for Web Client (so ISHCM aka InfoShareAuthor) only, but not protecting Import Images in Client Tools. Then you could have a look in the \Websites\Author\ASP\Web.config file to have Microsoft IIS enforce some upload (e.g. maxRequestEntityAllowed). I has been a while, but I believe we restrict to 100Mb or 64MB there to protect server resources.

    Best wishes,