Editing file based project that is still in someone's project list

I have observed a problem when editing a file based project (adding new files & preparing them) via a standalone automation tool:

When that project is in my list of active projects in Studio and I edit it via the API, Studio will not be aware of the changes. Even if I then close the project and re-open it, I can not see my newly added files. Obviously, Studio writes the latest project status itself, thereby overwriting my changes, rather than just close the file.

Unfortunately due to my automation tool being a standalone tool, I cannot access the current Studio project controller and close the project before editing it.

Or can I?


TL;DR: is there any way to access the current list of active Studio projects via standalone automation tool to make sure a project is closed before editing it or alternatively: is there a way to force Studio to reload the project xml of a file based project that has been edited outside of Studio?

