Under Community Review

QA highlight errors


would it be possible to highlight the errors found during the QA process either in the text itself (could be a bit difficult and confusing) or within the window that appears if you hover over an error flag in Trados Editor an the QA results window by adding the found string so that it would be way easier to spot the error in longer segments?


This is is an error.

QA by Regex to find duplicated words.

Result in Editor target segment:

This is is an error.

Result in hover-window and in QA result window:

{NameOfRule} x occurrences in target segment: {Number}; …is is…



  • Hi ,


    unfortunately there is no way to edit an idea once it's posted. Of course adding Regex to the title would make it clearer. I thought I had added it but I only set the tags to Regex, not the title.

  • Thanks - I have reverted. I think you might want to make the heading a bit clearer - I was testing the "Words repeated" native QA check rather than the corresponding RegEx check. I think the heading should read "highlight QA issues when using RegEx checks" or sth along those lines.

  • Hi

    This idea is definitely not even partially delivered, your hint (in your image) does not work at all. Please revert it to Under community review.

    To put it clear: I'm not talking about the QA message box as I want to have a fluent workflow, so switching from translation to error tab all the time does slow down production quite a lot. Furthermore the QA message box does not work with regex either (see attachment), although managed to get it working in a test. (?)

    Could it be this was an error thrown by MS grammar checker (which by the way does not work for many languages) and no regex was used for it? As at least the comment and proposition about solving the issues and the proposed version hint to a grammar checker! This is not the behaviour you get with regex rules. Furthermore the duplicate word was just a simple example of a regex, I have way more complex regex rules for Luxembourgish and it's a pain in the a.. to spot them if they are not properly highlighted.

    Screenshot of Trados Studio Ideas QA message box showing an error highlighted in red with the message 'Position: Results of the term recognition: 2 duplicates 1'.

    Furthermore the duplicate word was just a simple example of a regex, I have way more complex regex rules for Luxembourgish and it's a pain in the a.. to spot them if they are not properly highlighted.

    Example for testing: please use these two rules (which are still a quite simple rules) on the following segment and you'll see what I mean:


    (a|(?<!(^|\s)dé)i|u|(?<!\sj(e)?)e(e)?|o) [adehinotuz] with option ignore case sensitivity and only check target segment (Prüfung nur in ZS)


    (a|i|(?<!o)u|e(e)?|o)n(n)? [bcfgjklmpqrsvwxz] with option ignore case sensitivity and only check target segment (Prüfung nur in ZS)

    Segment to check:


    There are many hidden errors in this text. Who can find all of them?


    A dësem Text sinn vill Feeler verstoppt. Wien ka déi allguerten fannen?

    it will show 5 errors (2 and 3). Good luck in finding them with Trados' native behaviour for QA issues.



  • I endorse Pascal's request. It would clarify quality-checking procedures. Off the cuff, I would assume that the programming involved could be accommodated in a fix. Kind regards and Happy Easter to you all,  Adam.