Add files to existing project via UI: Status History

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  • Planned for Future Release

    Hi Rian,

    Thanks for the post - this is exactly the approach we are taking with replacing the Explorer functionality to eliminate yet another applet - migrate the functionality to a more logical place, like Project pages.

    Do you envisage any restrictions on the usage of such a feature? I.e. should a user be able to do this at ANY point in the workflow, even say after all other tasks have completed Review? Or should we just open this up as a capability and it is up to the user to manage their project as they see fit?



  • Under Community Review

    Hi Rian,

    Thanks for the post - this is exactly the approach we are taking with replacing the Explorer functionality to eliminate yet another applet - migrate the functionality to a more logical place, like Project pages.

    Do you envisage any restrictions on the usage of such a feature? I.e. should a user be able to do this at ANY point in the workflow, even say after all other tasks have completed Review? Or should we just open this up as a capability and it is up to the user to manage their project as they see fit?



  • New

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