Under Community Review

Update the Android XML filter for more robust support

We seem to perpetually have issues when working with Android files due to the variety of files that we see.  This is one of the most common files we have seen in Passolo this year.


Passolo does a good job of supporting one specific Android configuration.  Far more often we see files with modified requirements that are not supported.  I don't know if this is from different development environments, or simply different/newer specifications on the file type.

The primary issue is the lack of automatic support for escaping single and double quotes in the content for various scenarios.  For example we frequently see double quotes used as delimiters within the XML:

<string name="sample">"This string has extra quote delimiters."</string>

These delimiter quotes should not be processed as part of the translation - they are required as part of the code.  Passolo exposes these to linguists and they are localized which breaks the final delivery.

Another issue is that strings using these delimiters need modified rules for how single and double quotes within the string are escaped.  This is not processed automatically by the parser and requires manual review and updates in the translated files for every delivery.

The escape mechanism required seems to vary by client since we have had requests for backslash, doubled, and named entities (\", "", &quot;) from different clients.

Frequently the global escape of single quotes ' is also required.  Passolo does not seem to process this at all and we are required to perform manual modification in the generated files.  Once again the escape mechanism for these varies by client (\', '', &apos;).

We are also seeing plural forms used more often within the Android resources.  Can we improve functionality to improve support these arrays?  Currently we are required to manually check for the presence and create separate source files per language to process them correctly.