Planned for Future Release

This will be delivered for Studio in an update for Studio 2021 soon. It's already available in the cloud (Trados Live) as a recent enhancement and will come to Studio in one of the next updates as well. Exact timing TBD, watch this space.

Extract from all paragraphs in the Word filetype under Embedded content

I have found in Trados Live the option Extract from all paragraphs in the Word filetype under Embedded content

I would appreciate the same option in Trados desktop

My aim was to transform into tags text in the docx document wherever it was (paragraph, heading, line item, etc.)

In Trados Desktop I had to browse the document in the editor looking for structure information on the right to find which structure information contained the text I wanted to transform into a tag. Then I added each structure information in the filetype settings

In Trados Live I used Extract from all paragraphs and achieved the same result, saving quite a lot of time (no browsing, no manual selection)

  • Voted for... don't forget to vote for it yourself.

    I also wish we would make matching improvements in the desktop filetypes and not just put them into Trados Live.  It should also be reworded as document structure has the concept of "Paragraphs" and it doesn't mean everything in the file.  It should say "Apply to all"... or "Apply to all structure types" or something that reflects what it actually does.