A public API to differentiate between the "Assigned Activities Tab" and "Started Activities Tab": Status History

Below is the history of changes to this idea's status. Return to the idea.

  • Idea Delivered

    In Tridion Sites 10 filtering the activities list was added for Experience Space and now also available in the API. 

  • In Progress

    This idea will be partially delivered as part of Tridion Sites 10 where REST API will have a possibility to filter activities list by different states

  • Under Community Review

    Having looked at this, it seems another way to describe this idea is "the ability to bookmark the Assigned and Started tabs?"

    Would that be a correct interpretation or is this really about API capabilities?

    How are your users getting to these tabs? For example, are they sent there from an email or do they bookmark the activities section?

  • New

    No note was provided with this status update.