Merge catalog

A question about how to generate a directory using the xpp automation program, a book that includes the preface and the body, how to generate a directory between the preface and the body,
Or merge the separately generated directory between the preface and the directory of the main article (the page number between the preface and the directory needs to be obtained by the program)

For example

#system("$XyScript::XYV_EXECS/bin/divmerge -p5 DIV_catalog -cd C:/XPP/std_jobz/alljobz/CLS_book/GRP_book/JOB_book/DIV_test9");

-p5 is replaced by the program to get the title tag in DIV_test9 Page number

  • And just to add another possibility:
    In the XML world of XPP, I would say that most of the TOC's are no longer being generated by CITI, but rather by using an XSLT transformation.
    The big difference between using CITI and XSLT is that CITI is a post-process that you need to run when the job is finished.
    XSLT is a pre-process that you run during import or before the actual import in XPP.

    If your job is contained in a single division, then using XSLT will make your life a lot easier than trying to run CITI.
    If your job is split into several divisions then it will be a little big more complicated.

    And if your job is not in XML, then forget what I said...
    (XSLT can only be used with XML)

  • And just to add another possibility:
    In the XML world of XPP, I would say that most of the TOC's are no longer being generated by CITI, but rather by using an XSLT transformation.
    The big difference between using CITI and XSLT is that CITI is a post-process that you need to run when the job is finished.
    XSLT is a pre-process that you run during import or before the actual import in XPP.

    If your job is contained in a single division, then using XSLT will make your life a lot easier than trying to run CITI.
    If your job is split into several divisions then it will be a little big more complicated.

    And if your job is not in XML, then forget what I said...
    (XSLT can only be used with XML)
