Is there a way to run a report of publications using a specific publication type?

Tridion Docs 14 SP2

I would like to generate a list of all publications using a specific publication type.

Parents Reply
  • Hi Meg,

    Here are the steps to add it to the Publication search screen:

    1) Locate MetadataConfig.xml. (usually on app server under X:\Infoshare\Web\Author\ASP\ClientConfig\MetadataConfig.xml)

    2) Make a backup of the file just in case.

    3) add the following lines under <ishfrm id="Trisoft.InfoShare.Forms.Searcher.SearchPublicationControl">

    <ishfrmfield name="PublicationTypeField" ishfieldref="FISHPUBLICATIONTYPE" level="logical">
    <label resourceref="FISHPUBLICATIONTYPE.Label">&amp;Publication type</label>
    <description resourceref="FISHPUBLICATIONTYPE.Description">Indicates the content type of the publication.</description>
    <lovlist ishlovref="DPUBLICATIONTYPE" activityfilter="active"/>

    4) Validate against MetadataConfig.xsd.

    5) If valid, save and restart publication manager, you will see a prompt about changes to metadataconfig.xml.

    6) Select search tab, expand advanced search and you should see the dropdown for publication type.

    Trados Studio advanced search tab with expanded options showing a dropdown for publication type with multiple selections available.

    Hope this helps.



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