Data publishing content settings for schema

In SDL Tridion Sites 9.5, you can use data-only publishing framework to publish content "as is" to Content Delivery, without need to render a content with a template. This leaves the data modeling and rendering to your application development team.

The templateless, data-only publishing framework has multiple advantages:

Shortened time to market

Allows you to decouple content and application releases. After content design has finished, there is no need to wait for templates to be developed, publish as soon as you are ready. There is also no need for a content freeze.

Publishing performance

Because content does not need to be rendered beforehand, publishing is faster.

Improve your headless capabilities for providing omnichannel experiences

Semantic content modelling on the delivery side allows you to classify content as a content type and deliver the right type of data in the right format directly to a PCA client.​

The framework offers native support for a CaaS model, because content is easily accessible through the PCA.

Reduce total cost of ownership

Hides the complexity of the Content Management System and will allow any developer to work on consuming this data for their application.​

Publishing once

When a piece of content changes, it needs to be published only once. No more publishing the same content rendered in multiple Component Presentations.

Content is searchable out of the box

Because the published content is also indexed, it is immediately searchable through GraphQL queries.

To have granular control over what should be published and indexed, for GraphQL queries and search, we have introduced new schema options, generally for a schema and per field basis.

The new fields apply to the following types of schemas: Schemas (Component), Multimedia Schemas, Metadata Schemas, Region Schemas and Embeddable Schemas.




General tab

Enable each Schema field to be made publishable when authors publish an item based on this Schema

When selected, enables you to individually select Schema fields to be made publishable through the templateless, data-only publishing.

If you disable this option, the option to select individual fields disappears and thus none of the content of Components based on this Schema will be published.

Enable each Schema field to be made searchable for website visitors

When selected, enables you to individually select Schema fields to be made searchable through the templateless, data-only publishing.

If you disable this option, the option to select individual Schema fields disappears, and thus none of the item's content is indexed when a user publishes an item based on this Schema.

Design/Metadata design tab

Publish this field when you publish an item that uses this Schema

When selected, this field is included in the data published through the templateless, data-only publishing.

With this option not selected, contents of the field are not included in any publish action.

Make this field searchable for website visitors

When selected, this field is indexed when data published through the templateless, data-only publishing, and will therefore be searchable.

With this option not selected, contents of the field still get published (because publish option is selected), but the contents will not be queryable or searchable.

During upgrade to Sites 9.5 or content import from lower version we disable new options for all schemas to give a possibility for customer to be prepared for data publishing and headless experience, as well as prevent issues with unwanted content that might be published as part of data publishing, since:

  • Previously archived content can be easily moved out from publishing  process by having no association with any template or only static template; With data publishing after upgrade it will be published since everything from now on is dynamic;
  • Previously you had a control over binaries being published or not by calling AddBinary method in template, so you might have some binary on the page but exclude it via template (as it is done in DXA for some zip configuration packages); With data publishing all binaries will be published.

However we do understand that editing dozens of Schemas to enable new options is quite a lot of work and to simplify migration and adaptation to the data publishing we introduce a script that allows you to enable data publishing schema settings in specified publication. Since most of the Schemas are created in centralized way to be able to re-use them, it means that script can be run once or twice.

You can run it on Content Manager instance. You will need to specify publication as parameter and content manager user with appropriate rights (we do recommend to use Administrator account). If some of the Schemas can’t be updated (for example checked-out) they will be listed in the report.


Please let us know if you think that more parameter options should be provided, for example schema type, or others.