Under Community Review

Advanced tracking of edited fuzzy matches

In some scenarios related to machine translation it is crucial to see the exact editing process once the fuzzy matches have been found.


Let's say, we are using two TMs: Primary.sdltm and Secondary.sdltm. User may use part of the fuzzy match found in the first TM, and part of the match from the other TM. This may also be the case with the other translation providers. The general goal is to track what was edited, and what part of each suggestion was used. This may not seem like a common scenario, but this is closely related to post-editing scenarios. At the moment, we only have a pre-processed analysis, which is trying to predict the work effort, but we don't really track the real editing history.


Having this kind of information may be crucial in finding the real usability of fuzzy matches (or suggestions from machine translation engines) and all the other consequences, such as work efficiency, TM quality, etc.