Under Community Review

Hide Not Recommended Terms from the termbase hitlist of target terms in Studio

We have terms in our termbase that are marked either Recommended, Not Recommended or Synonym. Not Recommended should not be used in the target text, but it is obviously handy to have them listed in the source so that any translator can see where they refer to, and easily find the correct target term. BUT, it would be nice to get rid of the Not Recommended terms in the TARGET hitlist so that they would not end up in the translation. Would there be an easy solution for this? (Sorting them out from the termbase is not a solution, because I use many target and source languages) I have tried using Terminology verifier after the translation, and it shows all term fields and options inside them more throughly and allows you pick more options than what you can do in Studio. Unfortunately, verification does not work for the inflecting languages I'm working with, and that's the end of the story.